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Sleeping Like a Baby

Sleeping Like a Baby

by Dalmia Himani

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    Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd.

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  • Description

    Exhaustion and sleep deprivation seem to be an inherent part of early parenthood but they do not need to be. Here's a deep dive into one of the most befuddling parenting mysteries: How do I get my baby to sleep? Written in an easy and conversational style, Sleeping Like A Baby serves as the ultimate sleep bible, packed with all the modern tools parents need to build a stronger connection with their children to enable age-appropriate sleep for their optimum growth and development. Setting right the expectations we have of children when it comes to sleep, this one-stop solution for parents dips into every aspect of sleep that affects our modern lifestyle today-how we slept in ancient cultures and the art of natural sleep rhythms we seem to have lost today, how to respond to biologically normal sleep impulses of children, the science behind sleep patterns, the truth about regressions and developmental leaps that affect baby sleep and how to manage sleep for the family as a modern parent in an Indian context, without ever resorting to harsh methods like 'sleep training'. Unpacking the nuances of sleep for young children from an evolutionary perspective, the book mines deep research from across the world, with in-depth views from child experts and scientists and from the authors' own experiences as parents and sleep counsellors running the pioneering Facebook group, Gentle Baby Sleep India.

  • Author Biography

    Himani Dalmia is an Australian-Certified Infant and Child Sleep Specialist and Co-Founder of the support group, Gentle Baby Sleep India. She is a Leader of the La Leche League, the largest non-profit for breastfeeding awareness globally. Her first book, a bestselling and critically acclaimed novel titled Life is Perfect was published in 2009. Formerly a member of the Times of India Edit Page team, she has contributed widely to newspapers, magazines, and journals. A children's picture book by her is currently under publication by HarperCollins India. She lives in New Delhi with her husband Akash and two little girls, Devika and Yamini, aged 6 years and 3.5 years.

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