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Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Second Edition 29.0%OFF

Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Second Edition

by Barry W. Lavay, Ron French and Hester L. Henderson

  • ISBN



  • Publisher


    Human Kinetics

  • Subject


    Education, Sports & Outdoor Recreation, Biology, Life Sciences

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  • Description

    - Develop your own 10-step program to manage behavior in your own setting- Maximize your participants' learning while empowering, rather than controlling, their behavior- Discover positive and creative ways to promote responsible behavior and redirect disruptive behaviorMost new teachers, coaches, and recreation leaders who leave the profession do so because of behavior issues. Even when you have the subject knowledge and leadership skills you need, if participants' problem behaviors are not handled effectively, learning, performance, and enjoyment will suffer.Positive Behavior Management inPhysical Activity Settings, Second Edition, will help you manage your participants' behavior, whether you're a new or veteran teacher, coach, or recreation leader. This text, in an updated and expanded edition, will help you motivate your participants and create a physical activity environment that is conductive to learning and performance. In addition, the book provides methods for teaching participants to take personal and social responsibility for themselves, which serve to empower rather than control them. With its focus expanded to include a variety of physical activity settings, Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Second Edition, will help you discover positive and creative ways to promote responsible behavior as well as prevent and redirect disruptive behavior. Using approaches from psychology, special education, and general education, you will learn how to apply proven practices for maintaining and enhancing appropriate behavior in your setting. The result is that your teaching or coaching goes more smoothly and your participants' learning and enjoyment are maximized.This new edition features the following:- Real-life scenarios across a variety of physical activity settings, including three situations that are introduced at the beginning of the book and discussed at theend of each chapter- 28 checklists and worksheets- Real-world tips and proven strategies- A refined 10-step program to help you develop your own behavior management plan- An annotated list of more than 20 Web sites on behavior management that the authors have found usefulPositive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Second Edition, provides you with ideas that you can apply to your setting and needs. Its ready-to-go reproducibles and checklists are time savers as they help you immediately implement sound strategies. With their years of experience, the authors understand the challenges you face, and they guide you in developing your own approach to promoting responsible and positive behavior in your setting.Part I explores the challenges in creating a positive atmosphere and details proactive management techniques. Part II analyzes various behavioral approaches and methods, including those for maintaining and increasing desired behaviors and for decreasing inappropriate behaviors. It also lays out, step by step, a practical 10-step program for developing your own behavior management plan.if(window.uet){uet("be")}if(window.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",window.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",window.onLdEnd)}}}if(window.ueh){ueh(0,window,"load",window.onLd,1)}if(window.ue_pr&&(window.ue_pr==3||window.ue_pr==4)){window.ue._uep()};

  • Author Biography

    Barry W. Lavay, PhD, is a professor and the adapted physical education program coordinator in the department of kinesiology at California State University at Long Beach. He has 30 years of experience as a university professor and teacher in physical education teacher education. He has given more than 75 scholarly presentations at the international, national, regional, and state levels. He has written or coauthored numerous articles, textbooks, chapters, and curriculum guides, many on the topic of behavior management. His continued scholarship, research, and writing regarding behavior management have kept him up to date on the theories and practices in the field. He is the recipient of the 2001 AAHPERD Adapted Physical Activity Council Professional Recognition Award. Dr. Lavay received his doctorate in physical education from the University of New Mexico in 1983.Ron French, EdD, CAPE, is a professor in the department of kinesiology at Texas Woman's University in Denton. Since 1981 he has taught a graduate course on behavior management in physical education and sport. A former public school physical educator, he has presented at over 65 workshops, conferences, and conventions, written or coauthored more than 48 articles and two manuals on the topic of behavior management. In 1971 Dr. French received his doctorate in special education and special physical education from the University of California at Los Angeles.Hester L. Henderson, PhD, is an associate professor and the special physical education program director in the department of exercise and sport science at the University of Utah. She was an elementary school teacher for eight years and has been a university professor since 1983. She has taught a course in behavior management in the physical education teacher education program for 22 years. She has authored or coauthored two other books and 37 journal articles on the topic. Dr. Henderson has made 86 scholarly presentations at the international, national, regional, state, and local levels. Dr. Henderson received her doctoral degree in special education from Utah State University (Logan) in 1978.

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