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Linda Goodman's Sun Signs - The Secret Codes of the Universe

Linda Goodman's Sun Signs - The Secret Codes of the Universe

by Goodman Linda

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    Pan Macmillan

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  • Description

    Embark on your cosmic path to self-discovery with this comprehensive guide to the twelve signs of the zodiac. Your sun sign is determined by the day and month of your birth and dictates your zodiac personality. Taking each of the twelve signs in turn, world famous astrologer Linda Goodman explains the importance of the sun - the most powerful of all stellar bodies - in astrology. She describes the characteristics of each sign and how these can be used to really get to know the men, women, children, bosses and employees in your life. This newfound knowledge allows us to feel closer to one another and to understand that, as Goodman says, `Not all Capricorns are meek, not all Leos are outwardly domineering and not all Virgos are virgins.' Learn all this and much, much more from the world-famous astrologer who has helped millions divine their way to success, happiness and love by studying the sun signs. Before publication of Sun Signs in 1968, astrology as we know it had a very limited following in the United States and around the world. With this book, Linda Goodman changed that forever, bringing metaphysical consciousness to millions of readers around the world for the first time. Newspapers began running astrology columns, and Goodman herself contributed to these in the larger mass circulation women's magazines. An increasing number of people knew their sign and how to interpret the signs of others, introducing the study of astrological tendencies as we now know it.

  • Author Biography

    Mary Alice Kemery popularly known as Linda Goodman was a New York Times bestselling American astrologer and poet. She is notable as the author of the first astrology book to make The New York Times Best Seller list.

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