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Why Mummy Swears : The Struggles of an Exasperated Mum

Why Mummy Swears : The Struggles of an Exasperated Mum

by Gill Sims

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  • Description

    Why Mummy Swears is the much anticipated new novel from Gill Sims, author of the hilarious Why Mummy Drinks and online sensation Peter and Jane. It's every parents' nightmare - the start of the school holidays - and instead of sitting in the sun, reading a book over a cold, crisp glass of Pinot Grigio, Mummy has two bored moppets to attend to. After frantically booking sports camps, child minder slots, not to mention time off work, Mummy is exhausted. But this is only the beginning. After being dragged to join the school's PTA in the new term by an annoyingly kind-spirited neighbour, Mummy is stuck with organising the Christmas Fayre and pleasing all the overly disapproving parents. In combination with getting to know her father's surprise new glamorous (and much younger) wife, and being forced to spend more time with her narcissistic mother, life isn't cutting her much of a break. What more could possibly happen?

  • Author Biography

    Gill Sims is the author and illustrator of the hugely successful parenting blog and Facebook site 'Peter and Jane'. She lives in Scotland with her husband, two children and a recalcitrant rescue Border Terrier, who rules the house.Gill's interests include drinking wine,wasting time on social media, trying and failing to recapture her lost youth and looking for the dog when he decides to go on one of his regular jaunts.

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