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Mind Master 17.0%OFF

Mind Master

by Viswanathan

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    Hachette India

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    That was the point at which I knew that the transition from being a strong player to becoming a champion wasn't going to happen on its own. I had to want it ardently enough. Doing everything admirably well matters very little if you can't finish the job.' Few people know better than Viswanathan Anand how to tackle the gravest obstacles and overcome the toughest odds. From the time he learnt to move pieces on a chess board as a six-year-old, Vishy- as Anand is fondly known - has racked up innumerable accolades. The first chess Grandmaster from Asia, he emerged onto the world stage when chess was largely a Soviet preserve, climbed the ranks to become world No. 1, bagged five world championship titles and won tournaments across all formats of the game. An ambassador of the sport like no other, his is one of the most revered names in chess today. In Mind Master, Vishy looks back at a lifetime of games played, opponents tackled and circumstances overcome and draws from its depths significant tools that will help every reader to navigate life's challenges. * What role do tactics and strategy play in the preparation for achieving a goal? * How can emotions be harnessed to be of advantage in tricky situations? * What are the precautions to be taken before you decide to leave your comfort zone and embrace risk? * What do you need to do to stay relevant in the face of rapidly changing realities? * Is unlearning really the only way to learn? These are just some of the nuggets Anand touches upon with characteristic wit, easy wisdom and disarming candour in Mind Master - a delightful and invaluable exploration into the self that will thrill, inspire and motivate readers as few books have done before.

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