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I Am Always Here With You

I Am Always Here With You

by Himanshu Rai

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    Srishti Publishers & Distributors

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  • Description

    Kartik fell in love with Ashima the very first time he saw her. She was everything he had ever imagined in his dream girl his Angel. As their friendship bloomed into deep love, culminating into marriage, he became her Teddy, her confidant and an eternal support. But in trying to be with her, Kartik made a choice that broke his fathers heart and hopes. As Kartik and Ashima gear up to step into the next phase of their relationship, life seems like an overload of joy and love. He is confident his love for Ashima will win over all odds, even his father. Little did he know that things were going to change drastically, forever. Why does Ashima marry someone else? Why does Kartik accept it silently? And why is life so unpredictable? This is a story of deep love that knows no bounds, relationships that break all barriers, and a promise I am Always Here with You.

  • Author Biography

    Himanshu is a telecom professional with a passion for storytelling. His previous three novels were highly appreciated. He loves writing and tries to bring real locations and themes into his stories, enabling the readers to visualize what he writes. His book My Mute Girlfriend was based on his life-story and was one of the best romance titles of the year 2018. He lives in Noida with his wife and son.

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