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by Ankit Gupta

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    Rupa Publication

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  • Description

    Grit: The Battle Within is an inspirational and adventurous memoir relevant to our times. Autobiographical in nature, the book tells an incredible story of a boy whose life was turned upside downfrom his family falling victim to Mumbai mobsters to moving to a one-room apartment, to coming to the US with just five dollars and finally, becoming the lead engineer of the most advanced mobile chips in the world. This book takes the reader into an immigrants turbulent yet triumphant journey across two countries, delving deep into the soul of a fighter and into the heart of our humanity. This story is for the dreamers and doers who want more from life and want to know how to succeed both at the personal and global level. The book, while being devastating, brave, raw and hopeful, introduces a remarkable new writerAnkit Gupta.

  • Author Biography

    Ankit Gupta is a computer engineer who has worked on mobile chip technologies that contributed to designing the first iPhone, the first 5G phone and was performance lead engineer for chips that are in billions of mobile phones in the world. From an early point in his career, he has been working on advancing the smartphone revolution and has been a man in the arena when it comes to digital transformation that has taken place over the last few decades. Currently, he is a social entrepreneur, working on developing small-scale energy solutions specifically for those under the poverty line. His company Antrishs goal is collective upliftment of the impoverished by making the latest technological advancement more accessible to the poor. Having spent nearly half his life in India and half in the US, he has successfully been navigating the difficult twists and turns of his ambitious journey; he has a unique perspective on being a global citizen and driving progress that impacts entire humanity. Through his personal learnings, he wants to motivate the youth to achieve more and drive positive personal change. He currently lives in San Diego, California, with his wife and daughter. He loves to travel around the world and surf on the beach.

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