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Enola Holmes 5: The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline

Enola Holmes 5: The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline

by Springer Nancy

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    Hot Key Books

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  • Description

    Follow London's newest detective, Enola Holmes, in her electrifying fifth escapade - from the series that inspired the film, starring Millie Bobby Brown.While on the run from her brother Sherlock, the world's most famous detective, Enola Holmes has been hiding in plain sight, lodging with Mrs Tupper.Mrs Tupper may be half-deaf and a terrible cook, but she is the closest thing Enola has to a family. So when she discovers that her dear land lady has been abducted, Enola is shocked but determined to find out why. Especially when she finds cryptic codes within a crinoline underskirt in Mrs Tupper's upturned room. . .But who could have taken Mrs Tupper? And why do all the clues lead to Florence Nightingale?It's another gripping case for our young heroine in this enthralling fifth mystery.

  • Author Biography

    Nancy Springer has written more than fifty books for adults, young adults, and children, in genres including mythic fantasy, contemporary fiction, magic realism, horror, and mystery. She has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and has won many awards, including two Edgar Awards for Best Mystery for YA novels Toughing It (Harcourt Brace, 1994) and Looking for Jamie Bridger (Dial, 1995) and the Tiptree Award for Larque on the Wing (William Morrow, 1994). Her short story, "The Boy Who Plaited Manes," was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Short Story, Nebula Award for Best Short Story, the World Fantasy Best Short Story, and the Locus Award for Best Short Story. Springer's books have been sold in at least 12 foreign languages. Springer live in Florida with her husband.

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