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All Our Waves Are Water: Stumbling Toward Enlightenment and the Perfect Ride 22.0%OFF

All Our Waves Are Water: Stumbling Toward Enlightenment and the Perfect Ride

by Jaimal Yogis

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    Harper Wave

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  • Description

    In this humorous, meditative memoira fusion of Barbarian Days and the journals of Thomas Mertonthe author of Saltwater Buddha reflects on stumbling toward enlightenment, his continued search to find meaning in the worlds oceans as well as in the highs and lows of everyday life. For Jaimal Yogis, the path to enlightenment is surfing. Whether riding grisly waves in the Pacific or navigating the waves of the heart and the mind, Yogis discovers that it is between water and air, between control and surrender, between the tangible and the intangible, where grace can be found. Born to a family of seekers, he left home at sixteen to surf in Hawaii and join a monasteryan adventure he chronicled in Saltwater Buddha. Now hes in his early twenties, his heart is broken, and hes lost his way. Hitting the road again, he lands in a monastery in Dharamsala, where he meets Sonam, a displaced Tibetan. To help his friend, Jaimal makes a cockamamie attempt to reunite him with his family in Tibet by way of America. Though he does not succeed, witnessing Sonams indomitable spirit in the face of failure offers Jaimal a deeper understanding of faith. When the two friends part, he cannot fathom the unlikely circumstances that will reunite them. All Our Waves Are Water follows Jaimals trek from the Himalayas to Indonesia; from a Franciscan friary in New York City to the dusty streets of Jerusalem; and finally to San Franciscos Ocean Beach. Along the way, Jaimal prays and surfs while trying to stay afloat through grad school and journalism jobs, mourning a lost love and seeking something that keeps eluding him, until he ultimately finds what hes been looking forthat the perfect ride may well be the one we are on right now.

  • Author Biography

    Jaimal Yogis is an award-winning writer, outdoorsman and frequent teacher. He is the author of the memoir Saltwater Buddha, which has been made into a feature documentary film and The Fear Project: What Our Most Primal Emotion Taught Me about Survival, Success, Surfing and Love. A graduate of Columbia Journalism School, he has written for ESPN: The Magazine, the Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Magazine, Surfers Journal and many other publications. He lives in San Francisco with his wife, Amy and their three sons.

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