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The Om Mala 16.0%OFF

The Om Mala

by Nityanand Mishra

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    Bloomsbury Publishing

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  • Description

    The OM Mala is a book (and a mala or garland) which explains just one word-OM. OM is one of the shortest Sanskrit words, and yet is perhaps the most powerful one, besides being a globally recognised, Hindu mystic mantra. The OM Mala gives eighty-four names of OM as per classical, epic and medieval Sanskrit texts and explains their various meanings in 109 sections or beads, corresponding to 109 beads in a mala (108 chanting beads and one 'sumeru' bead). Each bead of this book presents the simple meaning of one name (or more than one related names) of OM and offers an explanation along with listing the relevant traditions, explaining the etymology and quotations. The book includes rare names of OM such as 'shrutipada' and 'rasa' as well as its common names like 'om', 'udgitha', and 'pranava'. Both popular meanings of OM (like the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) and its rare meanings (like inhalation, holding the breath and exhalation) are included. The book presents teachings and narratives from the Vedas, the Upanishads, Smritis, Puranas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, Gita, Yoga, Tantra, Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism-in the context of OM. The use of OM in religious and spiritual practices like Yogic breathing and meditation is explained as well. Lucid English translations and explanations are offered for many common Sanskrit words, phrases, concepts and verses. The book also contains many pearls from poems, plays and works on music and Ayurveda. It briefly touches the explanations/relevance of OM in Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism too. In short, the book is a mini encyclopaedia on OM and its associated concepts in Indian religions and culture.

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