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The Olive Tree

The Olive Tree

by Lucinda Riley

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    Pan Macmillan UK

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  • Description

    A stunning contemporary novel from the top ten Sunday Times bestselling author, Lucinda Riley This title is also published as Helena's Secret. The Olive Tree is the number one international bestseller from Lucinda Riley, author of the bestselling Seven Sisters series. A magical house. A momentous summer. It has been twenty-four years since a young Helena spent a magical holiday in Cyprus, where she fell in love for the first time. When the now crumbling house, 'Pandora', is left to her by her godfather, she returns to spend the summer there with her family. Yet, as soon as Helena arrives at Pandora, she knows that its idyllic beauty masks a web of secrets that she has kept from William, her husband, and Alex, her son. At the difficult age of thirteen, Alex is torn between protecting his beloved mother, and growing up. And equally, desperate to learn the truth about his real father... When, by chance, Helena meets her childhood sweetheart, a chain of events is set in motion that threatens to make her past and present collide. Both Helena and Alex know that life will never be the same, once Pandora's secrets have been revealed...

  • Author Biography

    Lucinda's novels include The Seven Sisters, a seven-book series telling the story of adopted sisters and based allegorically on the mythology of the famous star constellation. Book one, The Seven Sisters, and Book two, The Storm Sister, have been No. 1 bestsellers in Europe, and the rights to a multi-season TV series have already been optioned by a Hollywood production company. The Storm Sister has been nominated for the prestigious Premio Bancarella literary prize in Italy. Lucinda is also the author of a contemporary novel The Olive Tree, set during one long hot summer in Cyprus, and based on a family holiday. Lucinda and her son Harry have personally narrated the audio-book together. She is also rewriting and releasing a number of books originally published when writing under her maiden name of Lucinda Edmonds, including The Italian Girl and The Angel Tree. Lucinda lives with her husband and four children on the North Norfolk coast in England and West Cork, Ireland. When not writing, travelling or running around after her children, she loves reading books that she hasn't written with a glass or two of Provenal rose!

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