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East by West

East by West

by Jasmine Hemsley

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    Pan Macmillan UK

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  • Description

    130 delicious recipes to bring Ayurveda into your daily life. For anyone with a passion for eating well, feeling great and having dessert at lunchtime! East by West is a cookbook that champions the ancient Ayurverdic philosophy of eating to nourish, sustain and repair. Bestselling author, cook and TV presenter Jasmine Hemsley continues her passion to balance body, mind and spirit-amidst the challenges of fast-paced modern life-through a love of real food and simple home cooking. Tipped in the Sunday Times list of what's hot for 2017, Ayurveda (or the 'Science of Life') is the inspiration behind East by West. The book includes 130 recipes and easy to adopt tips and Ayurvedic principles to help you find out the best time to eat and sleep for your body type and thorough guidance on foods and practices to keep you feeling great throughout the day. With simple mindful rituals and a classic cleanse to revisit when your energy levels need a boost, this is Ayurveda for the modern world. With beautiful color hotography and illustrations, this book brings Ayurveda to life in a fresh and friendly way. Jasmine's recipes, inspired by the delicious dishes from her pioneering Mayfair pop up cafe, are a modern take on a 5,000-year-old holistic concept, combining the indulgent, confident flavors and ancient wisdom of the East with high-quality seasonal produce available on our doorsteps. From Chestnut Crepes with Vanilla Roasted Plums, to Lamb and Vegetable Biriyani, this book has nutritious recipes to satisfy every taste. Ayurveda focuses on eating high-quality cooked food in a relaxed environment, allowing the body and mind to appreciate the goodness that the food provides while encouraging us to slow down and take in our surroundings. Inspired by her personal journey with food and healthy living, Jasmine's mission is to make a holistic and healthier life accessible to all.

  • Author Biography

    Jasmine Hemsley Is the co-founder of the Hemsley + Hemsley brand and cafe at Selfridges, and bestselling author of The Art of Eating Well and Good + Simple. Based on her passion for eating well to feel good and driving change through healthy, conscious and joyful living, Jasmine has inspired a global audience to shift their perspectives on food. Inspired by her personal journey, Jasmine's mission is to make a holistic and healthier life accessible to all.

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